Friday, April 30, 2010

DJ Equipment, Lesson 1

So, from time to time, I will be learning valuable lessons from using my DJ equipment, whether I'm at a gig, or just screwing around with the equipment at home. I will be sharing these lessons via my blog. Today, I just learned my first lesson:

Always have back-up fuses.

Now, this may seem like it's common sense, but the amps run on fuses, which I didn't know. I was messing around, having it hooked up to my TV for when I play Rock Band or listen to music (and it's awesome. Didn't even have it at 1, and it felt like it was too loud). I got through 2 songs on Rock Band, and something blew out. I thought it was a speaker, because the one should be re-soldered. Turns out, the amp has a fuse spot that just had it blown. Time for a trip to Radio Shack!

C. D.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Work Related

So, I'm back home from vacation, and it was definitely a good one. We only had bad weather on one day, and we were planning on doing inside activities that day anyway (it was Sunday, if you're wondering). And it was exactly what I needed: a nice relaxing week away from everything, no need to worry about the "real world." But that kicks in tomorrow.

Oddly, even though I'm working at least the next 6 days, I'm pulling closes on 5 of them. And I'm not complaining. The closing shift is my favorite where I work. You don't have to run to the bank. There's a chance you may get out a little early, but there's no chance that you'll get sent home early, losing hours. You get other management help until an hour before the store closes, which helps me learn more from that other manager (I'm the "freshest" with the store). The funny thing is that the other managers think I'm weird for wanting to close. Honestly, I like sleep, but can't fall asleep before a certain time. My body just doesn't let me. And, when I go out to the bars or what-not for the night, the one I hit up is on my way home from work, and the "crowd" hits there around 11. We get done around 10. And probably the most important thing, I don't stress out when it comes to closing, which actually benefits me. When I stress out about something, trying not to miss something, I'm almost always guaranteed to miss something. When I'm not stressed, and I know what I'm doing, like with closes, I almost always get a perfect close out of my people. And, to add a bonus, I'm really figuring out where people like to be, even if they don't tell me, and where my crew works the best, even if it's not their personal best position.

Enough of that teary-eyed stuff, and on to a good update. Now that my shipment has come in, I'm done with high fructose corn syrup. And thank god, too. That stuff is like kerosene. It just sits in your arteries. I can do without that. However, I'm not cutting sugar completely out yet. Switching to diet sodas and Splenda just doesn't do it for me. But, with the cutting off completely of the corn syrup, it'll be a start. Ween, don't withdraw. Withdraw can only lead to bad things.

Oh, and I may have my first DJ gig. I just have to see if the one manager will switch shifts, though I don't know if that will happen.

C. D.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Preferred Airlines

So, yes, I know I'm in Florida. And, yes, I know I got here. But I had to mention this when I got here, because it just happened this morning.

I'm going to be flying Southwest for every single flight from now on. And there's a laundry list as to why:

1) Choice in picking seats. All other airlines assign you a seat, and chances are you may not like where you sit. Not with Southwest. You sit where you want.

2) Early Bird check-in. While this is an extra cost ($10 per flight), you get to choose your seat faster. The priority system for seating is based on when you check in. The earlier, the better. So if you check in at home, and print your boarding pass, you'll get to sit almost anywhere.

3) Bags fly free! The first 2 checked bags are free. The third bag is $50. Now, that does sound like a rip off, considering U.S. Scare-ways charges $20 a bag, but think about this: how many times have you had 3 checked bags? And, if you have 3 checked bags on U.S. Scare, it'll be $60 total. So, that's still cheaper.

4) Early arrival. We took off from Philly at 8:50 this morning. We were supposed to land at 11:50, like any other flight, but we landed and started off-loading at 11:30, 20 minutes early.

5) Quick bag claim. I'm talking about the arrival. After my sister and I got off the plane, we walked to baggage claim. At Regional Southwest, the walk isn't that long at all, maybe about 5 minutes. The bags were already going around the carousel. I actually grabbed the 2 bags, no more of a 10 minute wait, while my sister flagged down my mom.

Now, these are the reasons why we flew this trip, but this one is the main reason why I'll be using them from now on:

6) The staff. I had my bag randomly checked by TSA (no complaints. It took literally 45 seconds), and I had my sister save a seat for me. When I finally got back there, there was a woman who was looking to sit close to her younger daughter, so that she had someone to talk to. The only 2 relatively close to each other where an empty seat, and the seat my sister was holding for me. I volunteered to give up that seat, and sit in the back of the plane. I figured I'd get to see my sister for the next 8 days, so what's another 3 hours without her? After we landed, the flight attendant handed me 2 free drink coupons for being sweet enough to give up my seat. I told her I did it out the kindness of my heart, and didn't need them, but she insisted I take them. It that sort of customer service, along with the thought of rewarding people for good acts instead of punishing them for bad, that will keep me coming back, just as it would be with any other company.

That's my story with Southwest. Anybody got one that can top it with another airline?

C. D.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Vacation (And How Much I Need It

Tuesday is fast approaching, and for those who don't know what that means, it's a flight to beautiful southwest Florida to visit my mama. The flight gets to Ft. Myers roughly 10 minutes to noon on that day. So, what's the big deal, other than seeing the person who gave birth to me almost 26 years ago?

It's actually pretty simple: I'm in desperate need of a vacation. I haven't really had a true vacation in YEARS. Sure, I went to Florida last June, but everything was planned. I had to wake up early for things, but for good reason. This time around, I'm going down just to relax. All though, I do have to work at 5 AM on Monday before I leave, and I have at least 8 straight days of work when I get back. But, that's a complaint for another day.

And, I'm out. Krista needs to hang out, so I'm obliging.
