Friday, November 22, 2013

It's Friday!

It looks as if, in my ever growing "busy" life, I missed an entry or two into the journal.  I shall explain.

On Wednesday, I decided that it would be of good value to take inventory of my damaged and ill fitting dress shirts, along with other things.  Figuring out what doesn't fit was the easy part: I have a 15 1/2 inch neck, with a 32/33 inch sleeve.  Just look at the tag, and you have the answer.  As far as what is damaged, that's another story.

Stains are difficult to tell, especially if you follow proper care on your clothing (FYI: dress shirts are not to be washed every time you wear them.  Depending on how harsh the environment is around you, you can make it to five wears without thinking of needing the washer.  Just sniff the pits, and decide from there.).  This led me to deciding that every single one of my dress shirts, 16 to be exact, needed to be washed.  I threw all of the colored shirts in the washer, leaving the whites for the second round.  All of my shirts have been washed at least once.  No problem in bleeding there.

As I'm prone to do, I checked the Art of Manliness on how to properly iron your shirts while they were in the washer.  One article said to just iron them out of the dryer, since lint is actually pieces of the clothing.  So I opted for the straight out of the washer approach to ironing my shirts.  That was a mistake.  I was ironing, no lie, from 7:00 PM until 1:30 AM.  Work yesterday was an adventure, to say the least.  I do, however, have a great inventory list of what I need to replace.

After work yesterday, I decided to stop at the Men's Wearhouse on the way home.  I needed a pair of brown dress socks to go with my saddle shoes, because being the idiot that I am sometimes, I didn't get them when I got the shoes.  They're also doing a buy one, get one sale, and you can take an additional 50% off of everything else you purchase.  I ended up leaving with that pair of socks, a tie bar (I'm tired of my ties blowing in the wind), a grouping of black dress socks, and 3 dress shirts.  This cost me about $120, when it could easily have costed me $240.  Krista, if you're reading this, I'm sorry.  I only intended for the brown socks.  But I promise, after the holiday, I'm coming to you for more shirts.

And that catches us up to now.  The next task on the 30 day challenge is to create my bucket list.  I have a bunch of ideas, but I need to get them down on paper.  Tomorrow's task is to declutter.  That should take me all day.  In addition to that, I still need to do a number of things before I even get started, not least of all is to pick up my dry cleaning and to get a file box.  I'm not going to make any promises on a post tomorrow.

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